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Back to School Series - D2M: A Key to Keeping up with Innovation

Updated: Sep 1, 2023

Class is back in session and today we’re going deeper into a concept we call D2M, or Direct to Mobile. Since smartphone's introduction in 2007, there has been an uphill battle to modify products and services to fit into a new type of package. Now, sixteen years later, discussions around digitization still remains a top priority for executives in insurance and benefits industries.

It’s safe to say smartphones are not going anywhere and we’re still learning on the best ways to engage with our customers through their devices. When we develop sales and marketing strategies, we often look at multiple channels that can capture our customers' attention. It could be through our website, an online ad, or through a collaboration with a partner. The goal is exposure wherever that may be.

If we apply that same type of thinking to our D2M strategy, we pave a way for new or enhanced services being delivered to our customers, resulting in lower servicing costs and higher NPS. As we continue to see improvements and innovative features added to insurance products, establishing this connection with customers becomes more vital.

Let’s take a moment to look at a specific category of insurance product: travel insurance. Since COVID-19 and the revitalization of embedded insurance products, travel insurance has become top of mind for consumers. The industry as a whole has seen tremendous growth in awareness over the past few years, and with this attention comes the opportunity to innovate.

As we see this market develop, we see a shift in focus from a product-centric perspective (underwriting practices, optional coverages, etc) to a consumer-centric perspective (AI chatbots, Parametric insurance, etc). These digital enhancements pave the way for the future of these products, and mobile becomes a must-have connection to consumers. If not, your mobile capabilities become a bottleneck for your innovation.

We're just discussing these topics at a high level for now. Insurance and assistance is not short on complexity, so we believe it's helpful to take a look from above before we dive into the specifics of how these tools impact a customer's journey.

Stay tuned for next week as we take a deeper look at a few of the ways we try to live up to our D2M strategies and the reality of how those efforts impact our customer's perceived value of our products.


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